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Senior Citizen Writers

Be Grateful for What You Have Today and Be Happy for Tomorrow

Always be looking for your aha moments. We all need this gentle reminder from time to time.

Roger Skibowski


Five Thoughts From a Baby Boomer on Life.

  1. As we age, our priorities change.

For many, we start by seeking well-paying jobs, a family, a lovely home, cars and all the worldly possessions drives many. Over time, events happen, and others do not pan out, while others seem so far in the distance; they may never happen to you.

We start with our wants, and some of us add the wants of others after comparing your life to others. Over time, we decide what is right for us, and with that decision, we achieve a level of happiness.

We look to become the best version of ourselves, not a version that competes with others.

We wake up enjoying another day, take a breath, and relax. Continuing going about our day’s business.

2. There are no do overs in life, we must move on.

In the beginning, we think there must be a reset or rewind button, enabling us to remove mistakes from our life until we get life just the way we want the script. Real…



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