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Song: Out There — Long Distance Calling

The congressional UFO report is expected soon.

Roger Skibowski


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According to the New York Intelligencer.

One of the many curiosities packed into the $2.3 billion omnibus spending and coronavirus-relief package passed by Congress in December was a stipulation requiring the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to deliver an unclassified report on unidentified flying objects to Congress within six months, compiling what the government knows about about UFOs rocketing around over American airspace.

How did that get into thee coronavirus-relief package?

New News Reports of the video footage showing fast moving objects.

If you have seen the Recent News Reports of the objects that move and change direction quickly and report that they are diffidently not unidentified objects from outer space, where did they get that information.

Add this discovery to the group of unknown unknows.

The more we think we know the more we do not know.

Are there really more among us?



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