Member-only story
Saying No is a powerful way of getting your life back in order.
Sometimes you have to say No to yourself.
Self-discipline is hard because we are our own worst enemies. We honestly know what the right thing to do is, but we don’t always do it. If you want to stop procrastinating and get your life in order, you need to say no to yourself sometimes. That means denying yourself things that seem like they will make you happy in the moment. Maybe a burger from your favorite restaurant or an evening with a friend who stresses you out just a little too much. Set boundaries for yourself so that you can stay focused on accomplishing your goals of getting organized and having more time for your family.
You have probably heard that success comes down to 80% planning and 20% action, but if the planning stage is taking forever or never even happens at all, then nothing ever gets done!
Sometimes the person who needs the No is someone else.
If you’re a naturally accommodating person, there’s a chance that some of your family and friends are used to getting their way with you. You’ll want to be sure to let them know that even if they don’t like it, you’ve got this new way of doing things and you’re taking charge of your life now. That’s what friends are for, right? It’s hard to…