Member-only story

This Writer’s Journey

Stop Using Mental Masturbation as an Excuse Not to Write.

Do not sit naked staring dots and an offline television.

Roger Skibowski


This Message Is to Encourage Other Writers as Well as Myself.

You Can Stop Using Mental Masturbation as an Excuse Not to Write. suggests that the meaning for Mental-masturbation is one of two meanings.

Engaging in intellectually stimulating conversation with little or no practical purpose.

Thought processes that only serve to satisfy oneself.

Writer’s Block, I do not think so.

Well all do it, myself included, as reasoning for postponing just write whatever you are thinking or talking about.

There are those writers who have a collection of unfinished rough drafts. The someday articles waiting to be completed and finally published.

Writing is just talking in print form.

Writer’s block is just a form of either mental-masturbation or allowing distractions to sidetrack us from our intended task at hand. Just Write it out. Then edit, and of course…



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