Member-only story


They Move on Tracks of Never-Ending Light — Song by This Will Destroy You

Maybe we have visitors regularly but do not see them.

Roger Skibowski


This is a better explanation for those who travel outside of what we can see or are visible to us.

Traveling on light is a better explanation for those who travel outside of what we can see or are visible to our five or six senses.

What we can not see or measure with our current toolset limits our ability to see into the category that is outside our sciences the unknown unknowns.

Some of learned at some age that light travels at 186,000 miles per second. The light we see from the sun traveled from the sun to earth in just over 8 minutes.

That light gives us heat and keeps us and the planet from freezing us both to death. No sun, no life.

Earth is just the right distance from the sun to support life on the planet.

To date, we have discovered no life forms like those of our planet. We have contacted Mars and earth’s moon and found no one who was listening or talking, nothing.

We have over the years sent unmanned devices out into the universe, with no reports of life as we know it.

What if our life forms are primitive when compared to those who move around in light?

Any thought readers?

Take a listen to the song on your favorite music service and tell me what you think about it.



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